The Application of Micro course in Computer Teaching

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  (湖南人文科技學院,湖南 娄底 417000)
  【Abstract】: As the development and perfection of modern science and technology, micro-course has become an important means in various aspects of social life. So does in the field of education. At the same time, the ability of application has also become an indispensable part of education. To this end, The author takes the application of micro-course in computer teaching as the research object, hoping to provide some references to the further development of micro-course in the field of computer teaching.
  【Key words】: Micro-course, Computer teaching, Application
  I. Introduction
  At present, with the development of modern science and technology, the teaching means of micro-class, which is based on computer technology and takes video as the main carrier of knowledge is drawing more and more people's attention in the field of education. At the same time, as the ability of computer application has become one standard in testing the ability of talent, computer teaching has become an indispensable part of education. To this end, in order to enhance students' learning efficiency and effectiveness,the introduction of micro-courses to computer teaching is of great importance. The author takes the application of micro-course in computer teaching as the research object, hoping to provide some references to the further development of micro-course in the field of computer teaching.
  II. Definition and Characteristics of Micro-class
  Micro-class is the whole process of teaching, which is in accordance with the requirements of teaching, takes video as the main carrier of knowledge, records the whole teaching process of knowledge or procedures, including classroom teaching videos, teaching designs, and other auxiliary teaching resources for courseware and testing.
  In contrast to the traditional teaching model, the teaching method of the micro-course has the following characteristics and advantages: In the first place, the micro-course takes rare resource capacity, and learners can learn and review by watching the video repeatedly; In the second place, the content is concise and in line with the law of student learning; Next, the main part is emphasized, highlighted and specific; Next, teaching structure is compact with high efficiency; last but not least, the micro-course is targeted with timely feedback.
  The application of micro-course in computer teaching can fully mobilize students’ enthusiasm in learning, promote students’ initiative in developing their self-learning ability, and fully improve the efficiency of resource use   III.The Application of Micro - course in Computer Teaching
  1. The phase of pre-class preparation
  Micro-class teaching is a typical model of mixed teaching, including on-class and off-class, in-class and extracurricular in a harmonious way. To this end, in the stage of pre-class preparation, teachers should make micro-courses based on the new knowledge and students’ level of learning. And then teachers should send these videos to the students through the Internet and various channels, so that students can learn the knowledge by themselves and by watching the video repeatedly. The content in Computer course is complex and complicated, including various branches, WINDOWS, OFFICE, WEB DESIGN to name just a few. For this reason, teachers can attract students' interest in the new curriculum and stimulate their enthusiasm and initiative by creating vivid micro-courses. What’s more, under the guidance of teachers, students can set up the exchange group, in which students can interact and communicate with each other. It is a good way for the achievement of teaching goal and the understanding of group dynamics.
  2. The phase of classroom teaching
  Classroom teaching is the most direct and effective way for students to interact with teachers face to face, which should be payed enough attention and taken full use. To be specific, teachers should make full preparation before the class, including the understanding of teaching content, the design of teaching activities, and the current situation of learners( mainly the difficulties in preview stage). However, due to the limitation of classroom teaching time, teachers must pay enough attention to the arrangement and design of knowledge in micro-class with the emphasis on difficult points and repeated practice, by means of which students can fully master the skills. As for computer courses, the OFFICE software is of the top priority in teaching. Therefore in the teaching process, a good classroom design is of great necessity, so that students can fully grasp and digest the course content.
  3. The phase of after-school revision
  The course of Students' learning knowledge is the process of constantly integrating the learned knowledge into the existing knowledge system. So students’ transformation and absorption of knowledge is the goal of learning and the final measurement of teaching effect. As what we have mentioned above, due to the limitation of time, micro-course should be the main resources for learning by themselves. In other words, after the achievement of each phase in study, the teacher can produce a micro-class video to consolidate the point of knowledge and the whole knowledge structure system in series through the design of fine exercises.   IV. Conclusion
  From what we have mentioned above, we can easily reach the conclusion that Micro-class is not only an effective assistance for computer teaching, but also an effective teaching method. Teachers can enhance their professional knowledge by carrying out teaching practice with the assistance of micro-course. At the same time, students can improve their learning ability and achieve the purpose of learning also by means of micro-class. And the improvement of the effectiveness of teaching and learning can only be achieved by the development and utilization of micro-class teaching. Also in this way can students learn happily, and the ultimate goal of education can be achieved.
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