
来源 :西北水电技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:o70078
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一、前言河流的防洪规划是流域规划的主要组成部分。目前黄河上游河段的防洪规划仅仅是初步的,有待进一步完善和补充。根据黄河上游梯级水电站相继开发兴建和宁夏、内蒙古境内黄河两岸堤防已有一定防洪能力的特点,上游河段的防洪可以结合上游梯级水库兴建,本身对洪水需要设防的特点,由已建和待建的梯级水库来承担。黄河上游河段的梯级水库主要集中在龙羊峡~青铜峡河段,根据龙~青河段梯级开发规划报告,共拟有15座梯级电站。具备有年调节能力以上的水库,自上而下有龙羊峡水库(在建)、刘家峡水库(已建)和黑山峡小观音水库(待建)。其库容系数分别为0.94、0.53(按龙~刘区间径流计算)、0.63(按刘~黑区间径流计算)。 I. Preface The river flood control planning is the main part of the basin planning. At present, the flood control plan for the upper reaches of the Yellow River is only preliminary and needs to be further improved and supplemented. According to the successive development and construction of cascade hydropower stations in the upper reaches of the Yellow River and the embankments on both banks of the Yellow River in Ningxia and Inner Mongolia, flood control capacity of the upper reaches of the Yellow River can be combined with the construction of the upstream cascade reservoirs and the need of fortification for floods, The cascade reservoir to undertake. The cascade reservoirs in the upper reaches of the Yellow River are mainly concentrated in the Longyangxia ~ Qingtongxia reach. According to the report on the cascade development and planning of the Dragon ~ Qinghe River, a total of 15 cascaded power stations are proposed. There are reservoirs with annual regulation capacity above, including Longyangxia Reservoir (under construction), Liujiaxia Reservoir (built) and Xiaoguanyin Reservoir (to be built) of Heishanxia from top to bottom. The storage capacity coefficients were 0.94,0.53 (calculated according to the runoff Liu ~ Liu interval), 0.63 (Liu ~ black interval runoff calculation).
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