In-situ SEM observation on fracture behavior of austempered silicon alloyed steel

来源 :China Foundry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bjzcha
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Crack initiation, propagation and microfracture processes of austempered high silicon cast steel have been investigated by using an in-situ tensile stage installed inside a scanning electron microscope chamber. It is revealed that micro cracks always nucleate at the yielding near imperfections and the boundary of matrix-inclusions due to the stress concentration. There are four types of crack propagations in the matrix: crack propagates along the boundary of two clusters of bainitic ferrite; crack propagates along the boundary of ferrite-austenite in bainitic ferrite laths; crack propagates into bainitic ferrite laths; crack nucleates and propagates in the high carbon brittle plate shape martensite which is transformed from some blocky retained austenite due to plastic deformation. Based on the observation and analysis of microfracture processes, a schematic diagram of the crack nucleation and propagation process of high silicon cast steel is proposed. Crack initiation, propagation and microfracture processes of austempered high silicon cast steel have been investigated by using an in-situ tensile stage installed inside a scanning electron microscope chamber. It is revealed that micro cracks always nucleate at the yielding near imperfections and the boundary of matrix There are four types of crack propagations in the matrix: crack propagates along the boundary of two clusters of bainitic ferrite; crack propagates along the boundary of ferrite-austenite in bainitic ferrite laths; crack propagates into bainitic ferrite laths; crack nucleates and propagates in the high carbon brittle plate shape martensite which is transformed from some blocky retained austenite due to plastic deformation. Based on the observation and analysis of microfracture processes, a schematic diagram of the crack nucleation and propagation process of high silicon cast steel is proposed.
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毛颖者,中山人也,其先乃昌黎先生之友毛颖也。本名笔,因慕祖之贤愿,感时之兴衰,故更名曰颖也。  建国初年,颖初入世,望华夏万物,巍然壮阔也;观天下苍生,然明亮也,未久,于海陵偶遇一书生,乃系一国文先生,与之相谈甚悦,应邀至其家,奇文共欣赏,疑义相与析,成一佳话。  当是时,国文先生并颖共授课,常有门人弟子填其室,书声琅琅;待休沐之时,则余音绕梁欐,三日不绝。乡中显达,尝至于此,束脩满挂,络绎不绝。
格桑拉姆,女,藏族,祖籍甘肃省舟曲县,生长于兰州。现就读南昌大学汉语言文学专业,在《民族文学》《散文诗》等刊物上发表过诗文。  从成都坐飞机到稻城亚丁,一出机场,高原寒凉清冽的空气立刻盈满了肺腑。坐上去理塘的大巴,望着眼前连绵的大山与草原,再回想起葱郁湿润的杜甫草堂,就有仿若隔世之感。这一次,母亲应邀参加仓央嘉措诗歌节,也带上了我。我一时不敢相信自己正在前往理塘,让仓央嘉措流连忘返、念念不忘的理塘
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