女性一旦跨入“中年”的门槛,身体上的不适感便逐渐多了起来,医学专家形象地称为“多事之秋”或者“苦旅”。 那么,如何解决中年女性“病多”的问题呢?保健专家建议:除了大力宣传保健知识、解除女性心理困扰、强化社会与家庭的关怀外,查一查食谱,补足需要的各种营养成分当为一个重要的举措。像以下种种不适,适当地调整一下三餐食物的结构,说不定就能收到出乎意料的效果。 “苦夏” 这是一个俗称,指的是以神疲力乏、思维迟钝、心烦口渴、不思饮食、身体消瘦为主要表现的一个“综合征”,
Once women enter the threshold of “middle age”, their physical discomfort gradually increases, and medical experts vividly call it “the autumn of things” or “hard journey.” So, how to solve middle-aged women, “sick” problem? Health experts suggest: In addition to vigorously promote health knowledge, relieve the psychological problems of women, and strengthen social and family care, check the recipes, make up the needs of a variety of nutrients When it is an important move. Like the following all kinds of discomfort, appropriate to adjust the structure of three meals a day food, maybe you can receive unexpected results. “Bitter summer” This is a common name, referring to a “syndrome” of the main manifestations of fatigue, slow thinking, upset thirst, not eating, body weight loss,