Using CuCl / N-benzyl-2-pyridylmethaneimine (NBPM) / ethyl 2-bromoisobutyrate (EBrIB) as the initiating catalyst system, (N-hydroxysuccinimide) MASI), the resulting polymethacrylic acid (N-hydroxysuccinimide) ester (PMASI) had higher monomer conversion (90%), narrower PDI (~1.10) and higher molecular weight . The stronger C-Cl bond still retains the polymer end groups throughout the polymerization, favoring the block copolymerization with the second monomer (DMAEMA) A well-defined block copolymer P (MASI-b-DMAEMA) was formed. When the MASI chain length is short, P (DMAEMA40-b-MASI16) is water-soluble and can be self-assembled into a uniform diameter core-shell micelles, indirectly demonstrating the controllable characteristics of the polymerization process.