
来源 :江西农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nengding
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螺旋藻是新开发的蛋白质的生物资源,七十年代引入我国,在中国科学院武汉水生生物所、植物所,南京大学、北京农业大学、江西农科院及江西农业大学等单位分别进行了藻种的培养、生理特性的研究及应用方面的试验,都取得了一定的成效。但对螺旋藻形态特征的研究尚少,本实验对不同单位提供的六个藻种,进行了形态特征的观察,现将结果报道如下。 Spirulina is a newly developed biological resources of proteins, introduced into China in the seventies, in the Chinese Academy of Sciences Wuhan Institute of Hydrobiology, Institute of Botany, Nanjing University, Beijing Agricultural University, Jiangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Jiangxi Agricultural University and other units were species of algae The cultivation, physiological characteristics of the research and application of the test, have achieved some success. However, the morphological characteristics of Spirulina are still few. In this experiment, six species of algae provided by different units were observed morphologically. The results are reported as follows.