健康体检是随着人们健康观念的转变逐渐产生和兴起的。从最早1947年美国医药协会提出了最早的“健康体检”概念。到上世纪60年代初,日本Hoken Donjons医学中心首次将健康体检从一般医疗机构中分离出来。直至目前,英国、日本等一些国家的健康体检服务由单纯个人健康扩大为公司健康医疗、长期照顾、护理之家、电话医疗咨询、体能俱乐部等。随着人们对健康需求的增加,健康体检的内容与质量的不断提升。世界卫生组织(WHO)的研究报告表明,人类1/3的疾病可通过健康体检得到的信息反馈。
Health examination is gradually emerging and rising with the change of people’s health concept. From the earliest 1947 American Medical Association proposed the earliest “health examination” concept. By the early 1960s, Hoken Donjons Medical Center in Japan separated health examinations from general medical institutions for the first time. Until now, the health examination services in some countries such as Britain and Japan have expanded from purely individual health to corporate health care, long-term care, nursing home, telephone medical consultation and fitness club. As people’s demand for health increases, the content and quality of health examinations continue to increase. A study by the World Health Organization (WHO) shows that one third of human diseases can be fed back through health checkups.