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当前,国际产业转移呈现出转移进程加速化、规模扩大化和方式多样化的新的发展态势。因此,对国际产业转移理论的研究也呈现出一些新的发展趋势:一是在研究范围上,从全球视角,以产业链为纽带,来分析各个工序在全球的布局及各国在国际分工中的地位问题;二是在研究内容上,不仅限于对生产领域的转移问题研究,还要开始对研发和服务领域的转移问题的研究,研究内容要不断地扩展。 At present, the international industrial transfer has shown a new development trend of accelerating, expanding and diversifying the transfer process. Therefore, the research on the theory of international industrial transfer also shows some new trends: First, in the scope of the research, from a global perspective, the industrial chain as a link to analyze the global layout of various processes and countries in the international division of labor Secondly, in the content of the study, it is not limited to the research on the transfer of production, but also begins the research on the transfer of research and development and service, and the research content should be continuously expanded.
2010年7月12日晚,电影《唐山大地震》在河北省唐山市举行全球首映礼。这一震撼人心的故事,感动了在场的上万名唐山人。7月22日起,《唐山大地震》在全国各大影院公映,让无数观众洒下了真情泪。  此前,冯小刚导演公开表示,《唐山大地震》如果成功了,编剧苏小卫有一半的功劳。原来,苏小卫原是师范学校老师,是身为电影制片厂美工师、后来成为导演的丈夫霍建起把她引上电影编剧这条路的。     兜兜转转,一对故