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由于历史上的各种原因,从整体上看,中国知识产权制度的建设起步较晚。但是,实行改革开放后,为了更快地发展社会生产力和推动社会全面进步,适应社会主义市场经济发展的需要,促进与世界经济的接轨,中国加快了知识产权保护制度建设的步伐。从70年代末至今的短短十几年间,中国在知识产权保护方面做了大量卓有成效的工作,走过了一些发达国家通常需要几十年甚至上百年时间才能完成的立法路程,建立起了比较完整的知识产权保护法律体系,在知识产权的立法和执法方面取得了举世瞩目的成就。 Due to various historical reasons, on the whole, the construction of China's intellectual property system started very late. However, after the implementation of the reform and opening up, China has accelerated the pace of building an IPR protection system in order to develop social productive forces more quickly and promote all-round social progress, to meet the needs of the development of a socialist market economy and to promote its integration with the world economy. From the late 1970s to the present, China has done a great deal of fruitful work in intellectual property protection over the past 10 years. It has gone through some legislative steps that the developed countries usually need decades, or even hundreds of years to complete, and has established a comparative The complete legal system of intellectual property protection has made remarkable achievements in the legislation and enforcement of intellectual property.
Community service,which is called community work abroad,is a new concept.At present,there is no agreed def-inition on community services.However.according to t
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