摩托罗拉重组公司 半导体业务将分拆独立

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九月下旬高尔文离职就使得业界猜测,这可能促成摩托罗拉重大重组。果不其然十月上旬摩托罗拉公司在Macworld英国大会上宣布,公司计划分拆出半导体业务,成立一个独立企业。新公司将有自己独立的市场、销售、品牌等等。摩托罗拉公司宣称,摩托罗拉半导体业务部门(SPS)将成为一个独立的半导体公司,它将有自己专注的领域和发展战略,但是新公司尚未最终确定具体的经营策略,但是仍将保留通信芯 Galvin left in late September to make the industry speculation that this may lead to a major restructuring of Motorola. Sure enough, in early October Motorola at the Macworld UK General Assembly announced that the company plans to spin off the semiconductor business, the establishment of an independent company. The new company will have its own independent market, sales, brands and more. Motorola claims that the Motorola Semiconductor Business Unit (SPS) will become an independent semiconductor company that will have its own focus and growth strategy, but the new company has not yet finalized a specific business strategy but will retain the communications core