急性心肌梗塞(AMI)是中年以后严重的心脏病变之一,北京地区发病率逐年升高。自监测病房建立以来,国内外报告的病死率均有降低。我院 AMI 住院病死率亦有下降,现将1971~1984年收治的 AMI171例次住院病死率变化趋势及其原因探讨如下。
Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is one of the serious heart diseases after middle age. The incidence in Beijing is increasing year by year. Since the establishment of monitoring wards, the reported mortality at home and abroad have decreased. In our hospital AMI hospital mortality also declined, now the 1971 to 1984 admitted to the AMI171 cases of in-hospital mortality trends and its causes are discussed below.