当弘扬中国传统文化的浪潮掀起,当连续两个春天丽媛风格(Peng Style)吸引了世界眼球……很多人开始思考,中国风格的时装到底是什么?在中国近代以来的衣着时尚中,海派服饰具有典型性和代表性,并以鲜明的特色引导着时尚潮流,在中国近现代服装史中占据重要地位和作用。展览旨在展示海派时尚的历史变迁,让大众了解和记忆我们的着装是怎么演变成现在的模样,也为未来中国及上海服饰时尚的发展提供一个可资参照的线索。
When carrying forward the tide of Chinese traditional culture, when two consecutive spring styles (Peng Style) drew the world’s attention ... Many people began to think about the Chinese-style fashion in the end. In the modern Chinese clothing fashion, the Shanghai School Clothing is typical and representative, and with distinctive features lead the fashion trend, in the history of modern Chinese clothing occupy an important position and role. The purpose of the exhibition is to showcase the historical changes of the Shanghai fashion industry so that the general public can understand and remember how our dress has evolved into the present. It also provides a reference for the future development of fashion in China and Shanghai.