一 选择题11 铸铁件适宜的硬度测试方法是( ).A.HRC B.HB C.HV12 淬火钢适宜的硬度测试方法是( ).A.HRC B.HB C.HV13 K_(IC)是( )指标.A.强度B.塑性C.韧性14 冲击载荷下的σ_s比静拉伸下的( ).A.高B.低C.相等15 疲劳断口放射区表示了疲劳裂纹的( ).A.源区B.扩展区C.最高断裂区16 拉伸断口的剪切唇表征材料最后断裂前发生了( ).
A multiple choice 11 cast iron suitable hardness test method is () A.A.HRC B.HB C.HV12 hardened steel suitable hardness test method is () .A.HRC B.HB C.HV13 K_ (IC) is ( ) Indicator A. Strength B. Plasticity C. Toughness 14 σσ under impact load () .A.High B. Low C. Equal 15 Fatigue fracture The radiation zone indicates () .A of the fatigue crack Source Zone B. Extension Zone C. Highest Zone of Fracture 16 Shear Lip Characterization of Tensile Fracture Occurrence of (()) occurred before the final fracture.