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大理州民族中学坐落在雄伟挺拔的苍山脚下、秀丽妩媚的洱海之滨,是根据中央、省、州采取特殊办法,集中力量办好一批寄宿制民族中小学的指示精神,于1982年初创建的一所招收大理州山区少数民族学生的普通高中。2002年按照中宣部、中央文明办指示,我校承办了云南省首届“宏志班”,面向大理、怒江、德宏、保山、丽江、迪庆和楚雄滇西七地州.招收品学兼优、家庭困难的贫困农民子女和下岗困难职工子女。学校始终坚持“面向山区少数民族招生”的方向,始终坚持“德育第一,思想领先”的办学方针,始终坚持“质量立校,全面发展”的改革目标,始终坚持“各民族一家亲”的优良传统,经过全校师生员工的共同努力,形成了“团结守纪,尊师爱生,勤奋严谨,求实创新”的校风。学校占地面积58亩,建筑面积26600平方米,拥有藏书2.1万册的图书楼,能开出中学物理、化学、生物所有演示实验的实验楼,有州内一流的体育艺术馆、设备先进的多媒体教室、语音室、计算机室、NC网络教室和摄录编辑室。音、体、美设施完备。现有教职工97人,专任教师68人,其中特级教师1人,高级教师34人,中学一级教师27人,学历全部达到本科以上。建校至今.共招生5081人,其中少数民族学生占总数的8290%,先后有26个少数民族子弟在学校就读。学校作为大理州民族教育的窗口,先后接待了联合国教科文组织、美国、英国、德国、日本、澳大利亚、泰国、缅甸等国际友好人士和台湾同胞的参观访问,2003年11月,全国人大澳门特别行政区代表团到校视察,对我校的民族教育工作给予了充分肯定。跨八新世纪,学校教育教学质量不断提高。2004年我校共有400名学生参加高考,高考上线人数321人,上线率达80.25%,民族生上线率达93.19%,重点率达43.47%,报考人数,上线率和重点率均创造了我校新的历史记录,在云南省第一次高中教育综合评定中,我校荣获省级三等奖,是全省民族中学中唯一获此殊荣的学校。2005年高考,民族生上线率达97.72%,全校平均上线率达91%,重点率达34%,我校本科率和重点率,名列全州第3。 Dali Prefecture Middle School is located at the foot of the majestic and straight Cangshan, charming and charming Erhai Lake, is based on the central, provincial and state to take special measures to concentrate on running a number of boarding system of national primary and secondary instructions, founded in early 1982 An ordinary high school admitting minority students in mountainous areas of Dali Prefecture. In 2002, in accordance with instructions from the Central Propaganda Department and the Central Civilization Office, our school hosted the first “Hongzhi Class” in Yunnan Province, facing seven prefectures of Dianxi, Dali, Nujiang, Dehong, Baoshan, Lijiang, Diqing and Chuxiong. Recruit students who are both good at learning and learning, children of poor peasants with family difficulties, and children of laid-off workers. The school always adheres to the orientation of “enrollment for ethnic minorities in mountain areas” and always adheres to the principle of “moral education first and thought leadership”. It always upholds the reform goal of “establishing quality with all-round development and all-round development” and always adheres to the principle of “one family member of all ethnic groups” Good traditions, through the joint efforts of teachers and students of the school, formed a school spirit of “unity and discipline, respect for students love, hard-working rigorous, realistic and innovative.” The school covers an area of ​​58 acres and a building area of ​​26,600 square meters, with a library of 21,000 books, can be opened in physics, chemistry, biology, all the experimental demonstration of laboratory building, a state-of-the-art sports museum, advanced equipment Multimedia classrooms, language lab, computer room, NC network classrooms and video editing room. Sound, body and beauty facilities. The existing staff of 97 people, 68 full-time teachers, including one super-teacher, 34 senior teachers, secondary school teachers, 27, all qualifications above undergraduate. Since the establishment of the school. A total enrollment of 5081 people, of which ethnic minority students accounted for 8290% of the total, there have been 26 minority children attending school. As a window of ethnic education in Dali Prefecture, the school has successively visited the visiting countries such as Unesco, the United States, Britain, Germany, Japan, Australia, Thailand, Myanmar and other compatriots in Taiwan and Taiwan compatriots. In November 2003, the NPC The delegation of the administrative district visited the school and fully affirmed the national education work in our school. Across eight new century, the quality of school education continues to improve. In 2004 a total of 400 students in our college entrance examination, college entrance examination on the line number of 321 people, on-line rate of 80.25%, ethnic students on-line rate of 93.19%, the key rate of 43.47%, the number of applicants, on-line rate and key rate have created my school The new historical record, the first comprehensive assessment of high school education in Yunnan Province, our school won the provincial third prize, is the only national secondary schools in the province won the award of the school. In 2005 college entrance examination, national students on-line rate of 97.72%, the school average on-line rate of 91%, the key rate of 34%, my school undergraduate rate and focus rate, ranked third in the state.
目的 探讨慢性间断性缺氧后细胞色素C的释放、 caspase-3 的激活以及维生素 E 和左旋丁基苯酞(L-NBP)对这些变化的影响。 方法 建立大鼠慢性间断性缺氧模型,并给予 L-NBP 和
西门子CTX线管延长使用寿命的研究山东省肿瘤防治研究院纪春韶西门子SOMATOMDR型CT扫描机用西门子公司自产OPT_1-151(或OPT_1-155)型球管,保证曝光4万次,一只OPT_1-151型球管现在价格近30万元人民币。如果设法使其使用寿... S
Jing Lu Yi Xiang is a collection of Buddhist writings compiled by the monks Shi Sengmin, Shi Baochang, etc. under the reign of Emperor Liang Wu of Southern Dyna