
来源 :浙江教育科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nxjmbxy
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环境教育是一项长期的教育工程,各地有很多成功的经验。如何走出经验的框框,建构富有特色的环境教育体系是我们研究的方向。从1997年开始,学校就开展环境教育,1999年10月申报市级课题《小学生环境教育的实践研究》,经过二年多的实践,获得了市教育科学规划课题二等奖,2002年学校被评为省首批绿色学校。而当时的这些研究,我们学校也只是在学生的环境行为上去规范,在学科内作些渗透,没有系统地贯彻在学校教育教学的整个过程,没有形成适合市区实施环境教育的路子。为此,学校教科研领导小组以本课题研究为突破口,抓住 Environmental education is a long-term educational project with many successful experiences all over the country. How to get out of the frame of experience and construct a distinctive environment education system is our research direction. Since 1997, the school started environmental education. In October 1999, it declared the municipal project “Practical Research on Pupils’ Environmental Education”. After more than two years of practice, it won the second prize of the Municipal Education Science Planning Project. In 2002, the school was As the first batch of green schools in the province. However, at that time, our school only standardized its students’ environmental behaviors and infiltrated the disciplines. They did not systematically carry out the whole process of school education and teaching, and did not form a suitable road for environmental education in urban areas. To this end, the school teaching and research leading group to study the subject as a breakthrough, seize