新闻生涯近20年,我绝大多数时间搞经济报道。20年间,出于一种责任,断断续续也写过几十篇批评报道,令我聊以自慰的是:这些报道没有一次失实或失误,也没有一次被批评者找上门兴师问罪或对簿公堂。没有什么成功的经验,只有一点最深的体会就是:确保报道的真实性和准确性。 要立足大局,把握政策 新闻事业是党的喉舌,舆论监督是党的新闻事业不可或缺的一个重要组成部分。新闻的最重要的职能之一就是宣传党的大政方针和政策,舆论监督的职能同样是为了宣传党的方针和政策。而要充分发挥舆论监督的作用,首先要确保舆论监督报道的
For nearly 20 years in the news career, I spend most of my time in economic reporting. Twenty dozens of critical reports have been written on and off for a period of 20 years. What makes me talk to masturbation is that there has been no such incident as a single mistake or mistake, and no criticism has been found at one’s door to instigate any crime or court proceedings. There is no successful experience, only the deepest experience is: to ensure the authenticity of the report and accuracy. It is necessary to base ourselves on the overall situation and grasp the policy of journalism as the mouthpiece of the party. Supervision by the media is an indispensable part of the party’s journalism. One of the most important functions of the news is to publicize the party’s major policies and policies. The function of media supervision is also to promote the party’s principles and policies. In order to give full play to the role of public opinion supervision, we must first ensure that public opinion reports