异位妊娠是美国孕妇死亡的一个重要原因。在美国尚未建立常规的异位妊娠报告制度,作者依据医院病史系统抽样、国家卫生统计中心和人口统计局提供的数字,对1970~1978年美国异位妊娠的情况进行研究。 1970~1978年,美国医院出院诊断为异位妊娠的15~44岁患者约261,600人,平均每1,000次妊娠中有7.1人发生异位妊娠。1970年的病例为17,800人,平均1000次妊娠4.5人发病;1978年病例42,400人,平均1000次妊娠9.4人发生异位妊娠,是1970年的2倍。统计数字表明,发病逐年增加。在异位妊娠的妇女中,一半以上年龄在25~34
Ectopic pregnancy is an important cause of death in the United States. In the United States, a routine ectopic pregnancy reporting system has not yet been established and the authors studied the status of ectopic pregnancy in the United States from 1970 to 1978 based on a systematic sampling of hospital history, the National Health Statistics Center and figures provided by the Census Bureau. Between 1970 and 1978, approximately 261,600 patients aged 15-44 years were diagnosed with ectopic pregnancy at US hospitals and an average of 7.1 pregnancies per 1,000 pregnancies occurred. In 1970, there were 17,800 cases, with an average of 1000 pregnancies and 4.5 pregnancies. In 1978, there were 42,000 cases with an average of 1000 pregnancies and 9.4 pregnancies, which was twice that of 1970. Statistics show that the incidence increased year by year. More than half of women with ectopic pregnancies are between 25 and 34 years old