管理好企业各项固定资产和低值易耗品,提高其利用率,是企业管理的一项重要工作。几年以来,我们实行了一种财产管理办法,效果较好,现摘要介绍如下: 我们主要是推行了在财会部门统辖下的分级管理负责制,实行三级设卡,三级管理,既管购进,又管使用。分管部门(如生产经营部门、总务部门)在财会部门一级卡片控制下设二级卡片。凡向总务领用物品的部门和职工个人(使用部门),设
Management of various fixed assets and low value consumables, improve their utilization rate is an important business management. Over the past few years, we have implemented a property management approach with good results. The summary is as follows: We mainly implemented the responsibility system for management at different levels under the control of the finance and accounting departments, implemented card management at three levels and administered at three levels, Purchase, but also to use. In charge of the department (such as the production and management departments, general affairs department) in the accounting department under the control of a second-level card. Where the general department to use the goods department and employee personal (use department), set up