Patients, female, 50 years old, April 27, 1981 to “left ear cholesteatoma otitis media” admission. 7-year-old left ear began to pus, initially thin yellow, later purulent mucus, odor, more. Listening gradually diminished. Pus stop until age 13. 29 years old (1960) suffering from “typhoid” disease, the right ear also has pus. In 1964 outside the hospital tympanoplasty left ear. Repeated postoperative illness, when pus. In the past 6 years, left ear pus decreased significantly, but with paroxysmal vertigo, nausea and vomiting. Left ear pain with left headache, increased nearly six months. Check the left external auditory canal surface is not flat tissue blockage, the top of the granulation tissue, touch the easy bleeding. x-ray photograph: No change in left internal auditory canal bone structure. May 1981 7