根据淮河流域四省初步提出的水产规划指标,全流域的淡水水产品产量“七五”末将达到66万吨,比一九八三年增长三倍;本世纪末达到126万吨,淡水水产品的人均占有量由目前的4斤,提高到18斤。要达到规划所提出的目标,在当前和今后相当长一段时间,应采取以下主要措施: (一)充分利用丰富的水域资源,合理布局,发展淡水养殖。淮河流域有2293万亩水面。可以用来发展淡水养殖的水面936万亩,实际上已养面积仅550万亩,占可养面积的59%。要合理利用不同水域,发展池塘养鱼
According to the aquatic planning indicators initially proposed by the four provinces in the Huaihe River Basin, the output of freshwater aquatic products in the whole basin will reach 660,000 tons at the end of the “Seventh Five-Year Plan”, three times that of 1983; at the end of this century, 1.26 million tons of freshwater aquatic products Per capita share from the current 4 pounds, up to 18 pounds. To achieve the goals set out in the plan, at present and for a long time to come, the following major measures should be taken: (1) Making full use of abundant water resources and rational distribution of freshwater aquaculture. Huaihe River basin has 2293 mu of water. It can be used to develop 936 mu of water for freshwater aquaculture. In fact, it has only 5.5 million mu of raised area, accounting for 59% of the raised area. To make rational use of different waters, the development of pond fish