梅里雪山脚下的德钦县,武装工作出现了一年一个样,年年迈新步的新气象。四年前,县委书记杜永春确立的“创建藏区武装工作最强县”的每项举措,如今项项有着落。 签发1号文件 1995年,党把33岁的藏族干部杜永春推上德钦县委书记、县人武部党委第一书记的位置上。他说“没有当过兵,是我一生最大的遗憾,现在管武装,只有从头学起,请大家多多指教。”他从人武部抱走一大包《西南民兵》等报刊、文件、资料和书籍。从此,有关武装工作的文电成了杜书记案上看得最细、批得最好的快件。 民兵工作是一项政策性强,涉及面广
At the foot of the Meili Snow Mountain in Deqin County, armed work has taken place for a year and a new image of a new age. Four years ago, every initiative of “establishing the most powerful armed county in Tibet” established by county party secretary Du Yongchun has now landed. Issue of Document No. 1 In 1995, the party pushed the 33-year-old Tibetan cadre Du Yongchun onto the position of deqin county party secretary and county party chief of the armed forces party committee. He said: “If you have not been a soldier, it is the greatest regret in my life. Now you are in control of the armed forces. You only need to start from scratch. Please read a lot.” He took a large pack of “Southwest Militia” from the Ministry of People’s Armed Forces, newspapers and periodicals, documents and materials books. Since then, the texts on armed work have become the most carefully censored and best-received courier in Du’s case. Militia work is a policy-oriented and involves a wide range of