大叶相思又名耳叶相思,澳洲相思,学名 Acaeciaauricul aeformis Acunpcx Benth。原产澳大利亚,是多年生豆科常绿乔木。自1961年引入我省,在热带、南亚热带的干旱瘦瘠丘陵荒山和沿海地区种植,表现良好。1975年引进我县试种以来,3年可成林,4年可开花结果,它的肥分较高,并有保持水土,改良土壤的作用,是较好的多年生绿肥(见照片)。
Acacia aka Acacia, acacia, Acaeciaauricul aeformis Acunpcx Benth. Native Australia, is a perennial legume evergreen tree. Since its introduction in 1961 in our province, it has been cultivated well in barren hills and coastal areas in tropical and southern subtropical arid and barren hills. Since 1975, when it was introduced to our county, it has become a perennial green manure since it can be planted for 3 years and can bear fruit for 4 years. It has a high fertilizer content and good soil fertility and soil improvement.