以贵州省台江县马尾松纸浆用材林12 年生系列试验林的实测资料为基础,结合各项试验林经营的实际费用发生额,用动态分析方法对各试验林分进行了初步的经济效益评价分析。结果表明:在贵州东南部地区,选用广西桐棉种源育苗,造林初植密度在每公顷3330株,采用块状整地,造林时每株施60g钙镁磷肥作底肥或造林后第2年施30g复合肥,是马尾松纸浆林在经济上较优的栽培模式。
Based on the experimental data of 12-year-old pilot plantations of masson pine timber plantations in Taijiang County, Guizhou Province, the author analyzes the actual cost of each experimental forest operation and makes a preliminary evaluation on the economic benefits of the experimental stands by dynamic analysis . The results showed that seedlings of Guangxi Tongmian were planted in the southeastern Guizhou. The density of initial planting was 3330 hectares per hectare. Using massive land preparation, 60g of calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer was applied as substrate fertilizer or the second year after afforestation 30g compound fertilizer, is a good economic model of Masson pine pulp cultivation.