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巨幼细胞性贫血(m egalob lastic anem ia,MA)主要系体内缺乏叶酸和(或)维生素B12(V itB12)引起的脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)合成障碍所致的贫血,亦可因遗传性或药物等获得性DNA合成障碍引起[1]。其特点为骨髓细胞呈典型的“巨幼变”,该巨幼红细胞易在骨髓内破坏,出现无效性红细胞生成 Megaloblastic anemia (MA) is mainly caused by the lack of folic acid and / or vitamin B12 (Vb1B12) -based anemia caused by DNA synthesis disorders, but also by genetic or Drugs and other acquired DNA synthesis caused by obstacles [1]. It is characterized by a typical “myeloid bone marrow cells,” the megaloblastic erythrocytes easily destroyed in the bone marrow, there is inefficient erythropoiesis