
来源 :中国法语专业教学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:superzergking
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为了满足21世纪国家社会经济发展的需要,我国高校外语教育的人才培养模式亟需转变。过去的单一型外语专业毕业生已不能适应现今社会各行业对人才知识结构的要求。因此,建立复合型外语人才培养模式成为了各高校教学改革的目标。深化课程体系改革是教学改革的一个关键环节。以语言技能训练为主的传统法语专业课程设置无法有效提高学生的跨文化交际能力,适应市场需求,应当逐渐向语言应用实践为主转变。结合四川大学法语专业教学计划的修订情况,本文拟探讨如何充分利用综合性大学多学科的优势,通过调整和优化法语专业的课程设置,落实“宽口径、厚基础、多样化”的教学计划指导思想,切实提高学生的创新能力、实践能力和综合素质。 In order to meet the needs of national social and economic development in the 21st century, the mode of personnel training in foreign language education in higher education in our country needs to be changed urgently. The past single-type foreign language graduates have been unable to adapt to the requirements of the knowledge structure of the talented people in all walks of life. Therefore, the establishment of a complex model of foreign language personnel training has become the goal of teaching reform in all universities. Deepening the reform of the curriculum system is a key link in the teaching reform. Traditional French major courses based on language skills training can not effectively improve students’ intercultural communicative competence and adapt to the market demand, and should gradually shift from applying language practice. Combined with the revision of French major teaching plan in Sichuan University, this article intends to explore how to make full use of multidisciplinary advantages of comprehensive universities and to implement the teaching of “wide caliber, thick foundation and diversification” by adjusting and optimizing the French major curriculum Plan the guiding ideology, effectively improve students’ ability of innovation, practical ability and overall quality.
摘要:教学节奏恰当、张弛有度,充满生命成长气息的课堂,是要追求的张力课堂。从细枝末节处研究儿童,研究儿童的生活、学习起点、学习难点是催生张力课堂的有效途径。  关键词:微研究 张力课堂 新课程理念  张力,在物理中常指某物体受到拉力后物体内部产生的一种牵引力。那什么是张力课堂呢?笔者认为,是指教师能熟练驾驭课堂教学,收放自如,张弛有度,如弓之开合,不平淡不夸张,恰到好处。这样的课堂,一定是充满生命
We investigate the influence of the three-body force(TBF)contribution on the ground state correla- tions in hot nuclear matter by including a microscopic TBF in
[关 键 词] 天然药物学;教学改革;信息化教学  [中图分类号] G712 [文献标志码] A [文章編号] 2096-0603(2017)28-0114-01  天然药物学是依据人才培养方案,将药用植物学与生药学进行优化整合的重要的一门专业基础课程;是以高职高专教育为前提,培养应用型高素质专业人才为目标的学科;是一门鉴别药材真伪,培养学生常用中药材真伪鉴别和品质评价的能力的一门学科。天然药物学
摘 要: 外贸英语函电属于专门用途英语当中的一种,是一门将外贸实务与外贸英语相结合的综合课程。作者结合外贸企业经验和实际教学经验,针对高职高专院校外贸英语函电课程教学中存在的问题,就如何写好商务函电、提高教学质量、强化效果进行了分析。  关键词: 国际贸易 外贸英语函电 写作技巧  外贸函电又称商业书信,包括外贸书信、传真和电子邮件等形式。英语函电的使用贯穿对外贸易交往的各个环节,是互通商业信息、
We calculate the in-medium mass of theΔ-resonance,u- sing the chiral effective field theory(CHEFT).The density- dependent part of the A-isobar self-energy is
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