构建防疫培训体系 助力学科内涵建设

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虽然当前新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控形势积极向好,但依然严峻复杂。在响应国家分区、分级、差异化管理的总体战略下,一方面严密防控疫情不放松,另一方面积极复工复产,恢复正常的医疗秩序迫在眉睫。在继续落实严防严控、联防联控、群防群控措施的前提下,如何针对我国麻醉学科建设所暴露出来的优质医疗资源配置不均、内涵建设不健全、感控体系普遍薄弱等问题,通过加强防疫培训体系建设,着力完善感控体系,加强麻醉学科内涵建设,满足社会对麻醉学科提高医疗服务能力的刚性需求,是摆在麻醉学科面前的首要任务。本文以“互联网+”时代下麻醉学科加强人员感控培训、科学应对复工复产为切入点,探讨麻醉学科完善人员结构、岗位职责划分及学科内涵建设的思路和举措,供麻醉界同道参考。“,”Currently, the prevention and control situation of the coronavirus disease 2019 epidemics is positive but still serious and complex.In response to the national overall strategy of regional, hierarchical and differentiated epidemic management, it is urgent, on the one hand, to strictly prevent and control the epidemic, on the other hand, to actively resume production and restore the normal medical service order.Specifically, the primary task for the anesthesiology discipline in China, is how to strengthen the construction of epidemic prevention training system, because we have to face the challenges of uneven quality of medical resource allocation, unsound disciplinary connotation construction, and undesirable Infection control systems under the premise of implementing the epidemic prevention and control measures.The ultimate goal is to meet the rigid demand of society for anesthesiology by which improves the medical capability and availability, while challenged simultaneously by improving the infection control system and strengthening the connotation construction of anesthesiology.In this commentary, we would like to introduce how we took the training of quality assurance expertise and clinical personnel for infection control and scientific resumption of routine work and production in the era of “ Internet Plus” as the starting point, and discussed the plans and measures to improve the personnel structure, post responsibility and disciplinary connotation construction of the anesthesiology discipline.We hope our maneuver and perspective might provide a reference for our colleagues.
前言 :华罗庚先生是 55年前我在昆明西南联合大学求学时代的老师 .2 0 0 0年 1 1月 1 2日是华老的 90周年诞辰 ,华老的许多弟子和朋友们都到了他的故乡江苏省金坛市 ,参加了