蒋介石、阎锡山之间的明争暗斗历时数十年,有时剑拔弩张,兵戎相见,有时握手言欢,互相利用。本文记述的是抗日战争期间发生在晋西地区的一场蒋、阎暗斗。 晋西事变后,阎锡山为了补充和扩大自己的实力,进一步加紧了和日军的勾结,企图得到日军的援助和扶植,先后串演了“白壁关会谈”、“汾阳协定”、“安平会议”。 对于阎、日紧锣密鼓的勾搭,蒋介石看在眼里,记在心上,曾派人到吉县克难坡对阎锡山旁敲侧击。阎锡山则装出有苦难言的样子,
Jiang Ming-shih, Yen Hsi-shan struggles between the Ming and the opposition took decades, and sometimes rattling, fighting each other, and sometimes shake hands and enjoy each other. What this article describes is a Chiang and Yan secret fight that took place in the Shanxi region during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. In the wake of the western Shanxi incident, Yan Xishan further intensified his collusion with the Japanese army in an effort to supplement and expand his own strength. In an attempt to obtain the assistance and support of the Japanese army, Yan Xishan played a series of dialogues including the “White Wall Customs Talks”, the “Fenyang Agreement,” and the “Anping Conference” . For Yan, Japan in full swing, Chiang Kai-shek look in the eyes, remember, had sent to Keji Keji slope on Yan Xishan sidelined. Yan Xishan is pretended to have hard words,