溪钓用饵,当首推孑孓。 孑孓是一种广谱性饵料,不独肉食性鱼类、杂食性鱼类喜爱,就连专食植物的鱼类也喜爱。我们用孑孓钓获的鱼类有(歺又鱼)、鲫、鲤、草鱼、细鳞鱼、沙鱼、马口、黑花子等等。笔者钓获或亲见钓友钓获的鲤鱼有5千克上下的,草鱼有5千克以上的,鲫鱼有0.9千克的。 孑孓来源充足,使用时间长,从端午前后开始,直到霜降前。孑孓孳生于污水中,特别是猪圈的粪池中,尤以漏雨和渗水的粪池为最。 孑孓用来作饵制备简单。首先做一个捞网。通常是用渗水性好的材料缝一条袋子,口径25厘米左
River fishing bait, when devaluation larvae. Larvae is a broad-spectrum diet, not only carnivorous fish, omnivorous fish, and even the foraging plants are also fond of fish. The fish we catch with larvae are (cantonese and fish), crucian carp, common carp, grass carp, small scales fish, sand fish, horse mouth, black flower and so on. The author caught or caught fishing catch carp 5 kg up and down, grass carp more than 5 kg, crucian carp 0.9 kg. Suffering from ample sources, using a long time, before and after the Dragon Boat Festival, until before the frost. Larvae breed in the sewage, especially pigpen septic tanks, especially leaking and seepage septic tanks most. Larvae used to make bait simple. First make a fishing net. Usually a good bag of water seepage material sewn, diameter 25 cm left