目的 评价石台县丁莘河流域水库灌区以硬化为主的水利血防工程控制血吸虫病的效果.方法 收集2007-2015年工程区螺情资料和2009-2015年疫情资料,分析比较工程建设前后螺情、病情的变化情况.结果 硬化工程实施后,工程区活螺框出现率下降68.79%,活螺平均密度下降97.78%,而未实施沟渠硬化的对照区活螺框出现率升高72.49%,活螺平均密度也升高37.16%;项目区人群感染率下降100%,调查耕牛161头,未查到病牛.结论 硬化沟渠水利血防工程对降低钉螺密度、控制血吸虫病有很好的效果.“,”Objective To evaluate the effect of cementing ditch-based project on schistosomiasis control in the irrigation ar-ea of Dingshen River basin in Shitai County,Anhui Province.Methods The data of Oncomelania hupensis snail surveys from 2009 to 2015 and the data of schistosome infections in humans and livestock from 2009 to 2015 were collected,and the changes of the epidemic situation were analyzed and compared before and after the project.Results In the cementing ditches,the occur-rence rate of living snails decreased by 68.79% and the average density of living snails decreased by 97.78%,whereas in the control areas without ditch hardening,the occurrence rate of living snails increased by 72.49% and the average density of living snails increased by 37.16%.The infection rate in humans decreased by 100%.Of 161 bovines examined with the egg-hatching method during the period,no infections were found.Conclusion The cementing ditch-based project has a good effect on reduc-ing the density of snails and controlling schistosomiasis.