
来源 :新课程研究(上旬刊) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:countrygary
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欢迎订阅欢迎投稿《新课程研究》是一本由教育部基础教育课程教材发展中心指导,湖北长江报刊传媒集团主办的学术性期刊。其立足于基础教育改革和发展实际,以服务基础教育改革为办刊宗旨,突出“新”字(新理论、新课程、新观点、新感悟),促进教学教研,推动教改,服务教师。它是基础教育教科研工作者、各级教育行政部门、广大中小学教师和关心研究教师教育工作者了解、研究、助推课改的平台。 Welcome to subscribe Welcome to submit “New Curriculum Research” is an academic journals sponsored by the Basic Education Curriculum Materials Development Center of the Ministry of Education and hosted by Hubei Changjiang Press Group. Based on the basic education reform and actual development, the basic education reform serves as the purpose of running the journal, highlighting the “new” character (new theory, new curriculum, new ideas, new insights), promoting teaching and research, promoting education reform and serving teachers . It is a platform for elementary education researchers, educational administrations at all levels, teachers in primary and secondary schools and educators concerned with research teachers to understand, study and promote curriculum reform.