Analytic solutions of Bloch equations with phase term for two-pulse photon echo by the phase modulat

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In this paper, a method is proposed to obtain the analytical solutions of Bloch equations with phase term by using the elementary matrix transform. The effect of the initial phase on the components of Bloch vector is discussed. The result shows that by considering the initial phase of the input pulse, the amplitudes of the in-phase component and the in-quadrature component can be dynamically controlled, meanwhile the population inversion is almost immune to the initial phase. Additionally, the signal electric field expressions of the phase effect of two-pulse photon echo (2PE) is derived, which is also modulated by the initial phase.
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激光诱导击穿光谱是一种基于激光的定性、定量分析化学元素的方法, 可用于分析混合室中的橡胶共混物。本文采用波长为1 064 nm、脉冲能量为100 mJ的Nd∶YAG激光诱导击穿光谱法检测橡胶共混物中锌的分散情况。实验表明, 正确混料决定了橡胶产品的质量, 较短的混合时间将会导致混料的不均匀分散; 焦距等参数设置对光谱线强度影响较大。激发标定样品可产生标定曲线。通过行扫描可分析锌在橡胶共混物中的分散情况。通过估算沿着行扫描方向的强度分布, 可检测由于混合时间较短和旋转速度不同而引起的锌均匀性变化。
研究了滤光片对非色散可见成像系统获取污染气体柱浓度的影响。分析了滤光片的中心波长与入射角度之间的关系,发现滤光片的中心波长随入射角度的增大向短波方向移动,当入射角度为40°时,滤光片的中心波长漂移17.4 nm。探讨了不同滤光片对信噪比(SNR)、线性响应及灵敏性的影响。研究结果表明,可通过延长曝光时间或叠加图片增大SNR;半峰全宽为10 nm的滤光片具有较好的灵敏性;0.9以上的线性响应系数表明
利用中国气象局南京综合观测基地的Rayleigh-Raman-Mie激光雷达,对南京北郊对流层气溶胶进行观测分析。通过软阈值滤波的小波去噪方法对波长为607 nm的Raman回波信号进行平滑,利用激光雷达Raman通道的实验数据反演对流层高空的气溶胶消光系数,结合波长为532 nm的Mie散射信号反演对流层高空气溶胶后向散射系数和激光雷达比。实验结果表明:软阈值滤波的小波去噪方法可以很好地去除噪声信号,提高反演结果的准确性;在晴空的天气条件下,南京北郊高空气溶胶消光系数的变化范围为0.03~0.07 km
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