编辑同志: 近年来,随着一大批初中以上文化程度的优秀青年输送给部队服役,经过部队几年的培养、锻炼,其军人素质与思想觉悟不断提高,其中不少人在部队还立功受奖,有的加入了党组织,有些还当过班长,具备了一定的组织领导能力。另外,在部队开展培养军地两用人才活动中,他们又普遍掌握了一至二项种养、加工等实用技术。退伍回乡后,
Editing Comrades: In recent years, as a large number of outstanding young people with a junior high school education or above have been transported to the military for service, after years of training and training, the quality and ideological awareness of their military personnel have been continuously improved. Many of them have also won awards in the army, Some joined the party organization, some also had squad leaders, with a certain degree of organizational leadership. In addition, one to two practical techniques such as planting and processing have been generally acquired by the armed forces during their military and civilian training. After returning home,