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立足于培养适应行业、企业需要的高素质、技能型人才的高职人才培养目标,国际经济与贸易专业紧密联系江苏省外贸行业的发展,把“职业人”培养目标清晰化、具体化。充分借鉴行业标准,以国际贸易实务、外贸英语、国际经济法、拓展课程(报关、报检、国际货运代理)四大课程群为抓手,从课程定位的准确化、实训与课程的有机融合、双证书培养、教材建设等方面扎实推进课程建设。 Based on the goal of training higher vocational talents with high quality and skilled personnel that meet the needs of the industries and enterprises, the international economy and trade specialty closely links with the development of foreign trade in Jiangsu Province and clarifies and nurtures the goal of training “professionals” . Full reference to industry standards, international trade practices, foreign trade English, international economic law, expanding curriculum (customs clearance, 报检, international freight forwarders) as the starting point of the four course groups, from the accurate positioning of courses, training and courses of organic Integration, double certificate training, textbook construction and other aspects of promoting curriculum construction.