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领导先行一步,改进作风就有了强劲推动力;干部带头示范,开展教育实践活动就有了巨大号召力。7月11日至12日,习近平总书记来到河北,深入农村、机关,与各级干部和党员、群众座谈,实地调研指导党的群众路线教育实践活动。这一率先垂范的行动,为全党深入开展教育实践活动指明了方向,为各级领导干部树立了榜样。作风问题关系党的生死存亡,能不能坚持领导带头,事关改进作风的成效,事关党在人民群众心中的形象。中央政治局率先开展教育实践活动,习近平总书记带头深入实际、深入基层、深入群众,直接听取基 There is a strong impetus for leaders to take the lead and improve their work style. Cadres take the lead in demonstrating their educational practices and have a huge appeal. From July 11 to 12, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Hebei and went deep into the rural areas and organs to hold informal discussions with cadres, party members and masses at all levels and conduct field investigations and directing education and practical activities of the mass line of the party. This exemplary first-rate operation has pointed the way for the entire party to carry out in-depth educational activities and set an example for leading cadres at all levels. The issue of style has a bearing on the survival of the party. Whether it can insist on leadership can take the lead in improving the style of work and the party’s image in the hearts of the people. The Political Bureau of the Central Government took the lead in carrying out education practice activities. General Secretary Xi Jinping took the lead in deepening his studies in depth and at the grassroots level, penetrating into the masses and directly listening to the fundamental
翼城县小河口水库是1958年修 建的,前些年有人放养了多 种鱼苗,由于水质肥沃,其中的草 鱼、鲤鱼十分肥大。近年来开放钓 鱼,许多钓友来此过钓瘾,时常有 大鱼被钓起。 今年8月16日
对于多卷书的著录,应采用哪种方法更科学、更适用?本文结合工作实践,对常用的几种著录方法进行了具体分析和比较,并提出了多卷书的处理意见。 Which method should be more
尊敬的各位领导、同志们: 大家好! 值此国家统计局成立50周年、共产主义青年团成立八十周年之际,我非常荣幸地站在这里与大家一起感受青春的气息,享受生命的勃发,释放理想的
研完了不同铁粉对焊条熔化特性、飞溅率、发尘量的影响,以及影响铁粉焊条再引弧性能的因素,介绍了高效铁粉焊条的工艺性能及应用情况。 The effects of different iron powd