
来源 :人民音乐 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lenchoguo
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“老实说,我们国家的艺术构架犹如一座金字塔:最上边的就是各类音乐尖子人才,底部这个厚重的大基础则是占全国人口80%左右的音乐爱好者群体。这个群体就是靠遍布全德各类中小学和业余音乐学校训练出来的业余合唱队员、歌唱家、器乐演奏员等等”。这是德国音乐家协会负责人向我国某音乐考察团介绍情况时讲的一段话,很有启发。联想到改革开放初期,两位资深音乐家:贺绿汀的《关于音乐文化建设问题》和赵沨的《当前音乐生活中的几个问题》(两文均收载于(1981中国文艺年鉴》)都早已提出了音乐的普及教育问题,对照发达国家经验,我们也终于在近年开始重视音乐的社会功能和特殊作用,采取了一些措施把建设音乐文化提上日 “To be honest, the artistic framework of our country is like a pyramid: the top is all kinds of musical top talent, the bottom of this massive foundation is accounted for about 80% of the population of music lovers .This group is relying on all over Germany Amateur choir members, singers, instrumentalists, etc. trained by primary and secondary schools and amateur music schools. ” This is a very enlightening remark made by the head of the German Musicians Association when he briefed a music delegation in our country about the situation. In the early days of reform and opening up, two senior musicians: He Luting’s “Issues Concerning the Construction of Musical Culture” and Zhao Yong’s “Current Issues in Musical Life” (Both articles are contained in the 1981 Chinese Art Yearbook) We have already put forward the popularization education of music. In contrast with the experience of developed countries, we have finally begun to attach importance to the social functions and special functions of music in recent years. We have taken some measures to put the building of music culture on the day
这段时间,有关塑胶跑道散发异味的消息,让很多家长揪心痛心。虽然自己孩子所在学校的跑道没有发现什么异状,但家长们还是担心:到底有没有问题?$$ 针对塑胶跑道问题的分析,已经挤满