8月8日,深圳科技馆彩旗招展,张挂在大门上方的横额“深圳市首届高新科技成果拍卖会”,在清晨的阳光照耀下,鲜艳夺目。 来自黑龙江、海南、四川、河南、广东和深圳市的企业家和科研界人士,兴致勃勃地走进科技馆可容纳500人的中心大厅。大厅里座无虚席,连过道上都挤满了人。上午9时正,主持人宣布拍卖开始。拍卖官宣报第一项:“一种新型霓虹灯,全国独家转让生
On August 8th, the Shenzhen Science and Technology Museum colored flags fluttered, and the banner hanging above the gates was the “Shenzhen First High-tech Achievements Auction”, which was dazzling in the morning sun. Entrepreneurs and researchers from Heilongjiang, Hainan, Sichuan, Henan, Guangdong, and Shenzhen city happily walked into the center hall of the Science and Technology Museum that can accommodate 500 people. There was a full house in the hall, and even the aisles were full of people. At 9:00 am, the host announced the start of the auction. Auctioneer Announces the First: "A New Type of Neon Light, National Exclusive Transfer