1984年以来我院共进行700例纤维支气管镜(纤支镜)检查,其中60岁以上有纤支镜检查病理结果的老年患者193例。为探讨老年人呼吸系疾病的特点及对纤支镜耐受性问题,现结合文献及检查结果,并与同期检查的60岁以下507例青壮年患者进行对比分析报道如下。 资料与方法 一、一般资料:193例老年患者,男160例,女33例,男女之比为4.8:1,年龄60~77岁,其中60~69岁168例,70~77岁25例。 二、检查方法:采用Olympus BF—B3R型纤支镜支其配套附件。术前测出凝
Since 1984, our hospital has carried out 700 cases of bronchoscopy (bronchoscopy), of which there are 193 cases of elderly patients over the age of 60 with pathological results of bronchoscopy. In order to explore the characteristics of elderly respiratory disease and the tolerance of bronchoscopy, the literature and examination results are combined with the same period with the same period of examination under the age of 60 cases of 507 young adults were analyzed and reported as follows. Materials and Methods First, the general information: 193 elderly patients, 160 males and 33 females, male to female ratio of 4.8: 1, aged 60 to 77 years, of which 168 cases of 60 to 69 years old, 70 to 77 years in 25 cases. Second, check the method: The use of Olympus BF-B3R bronchoscopy support accessory. Preoperative coagulation detected