Modular Timing Constraints for Delay-Insensitive Systems

来源 :计算机科学技术学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kenapple1368
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This paper introduces ARCtimer, a framework for modeling, generating, verifying, and enforcing timing con-straints for individual self-timed handshake components. The constraints guarantee that the component’s gate-level cir-cuit implementation obeys the component’s handshake protocol specification. Because the handshake protocols are delay-insensitive, self-timed systems built using ARCtimer-verified components are also delay-insensitive. By carefully considering time locally, we can ignore time globally. ARCtimer comes early in the design process as part of building a library of verified components for later system use. The library also stores static timing analysis (STA) code to validate and enforce the com-ponent’s constraints in any self-timed system built using the library. The library descriptions of a handshake component’s circuit, protocol, timing constraints, and STA code are robust to circuit modifications applied later in the design process by technology mapping or layout tools. In addition to presenting new work and discussing related work, this paper identifies critical choices and explains what modular timing verification entails and how it works.
我院2002年1月至2009年1月确诊隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤(dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans,DFSP)10例,现进行回顾性分析,探讨其临床病理特征及鉴别诊断。1材料与方法1.1材料:所有
我院发现 1例左侧乳突软骨肉瘤 ,较罕见 ,报告如下。患者 女 ,64岁。因左腮部肿物增大明显 ,收住院手术治疗。 4月前患者左侧面神经麻痹 ,对症治疗有好转 ,同时发现左腮部肿
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目的 在单核苷酸多态性(SNPs)数据中探讨不同模拟条件x2检验结合错误发现率(FDR)筛选SNPs位点的适用条件.方法 依据2009年2月发布HapMapⅢ期美国犹他州北欧和西欧后裔人群22