11 934年 ,沈从文第一次回到少小离别的家乡凤凰 ,这一经历直接导致了《湘行散记》的诞生 ;回到北平后续写返乡前已经动笔的《边城》,“准备创造一点纯粹的诗 ,与生活不相粘附的诗”1。这两部作品成为沈从文湘西题材作品的典范 ,代表了他成熟的风格和个性特征。此后的一段时间
In 1134, Shen Congwen first returned to the hometown Phoenix, where he left a small part for a first time. This experience directly led to the birth of “Xiang Hang San San Ji”; returned to Beiping to write the “Border Town” Pure poem, poem with no attachment to life "1. These two works have become the model of Shen Congwen ’s western themes, representing his mature style and individuality. After some time