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1.人口迁移与人口流动人口迁移通常指人口在地区之间迁出或迁入,是人口居住地发生永久性或长期性改变的人口移动现象。人口流动是指因工作、学习、旅游、探亲等临时或短期离开居住地外出活动,而不变更户籍的人口移动现象。二者是人口移动的两种基本形式,主要区别在于居住地是否发生永久性或长期性的改变。2.国际难民与环境难民国际难民主要是由于国际或国内战争、政治形势变化、种族与民族冲突以及政治迫害等原因而造成的大批人口流往异国他乡的人口迁移。如阿富汗、巴勒斯坦等亚洲难民,前南斯拉夫难民,中部非洲的难民。国际难民是国际人口迁移的一种特殊形式,往往不利于国家和地区之间的和平与稳定。环境难民是近几年来出现的一种移民形式,主要指那些因洪涝、地震等自然灾害而无家可归、被迫迁居,以及居住地生态环境恶化或遭受破坏,无法在当地生存而被迫外迁的人。此外,由于某些大型工程建设,如三峡库区移民。3.环境人口容量与人口台理容量 1. Migration and Population Migration Migration generally refers to the movement of population between regions or population movements that result in permanent or permanent changes in population. Population migration refers to the temporary or short-term relocation of residences due to work, study, tourism and visiting relatives without changing the population migration of household registration. The two are two basic forms of population movement, the main difference being whether permanent or long-term changes have taken place in the place of residence. 2. International Refugees and Environmental Refugees International refugees are mainly caused by large numbers of people migrating to other countries due to international or domestic wars, political changes, racial and ethnic conflicts and political persecution. Asian refugees such as Afghanistan and Palestine, former Yugoslav refugees and refugees from Central Africa. International refugees are a special form of international migration that is often detrimental to the peace and stability between countries and regions. Environmental Refugees is a form of immigration that has emerged in recent years. It mainly refers to those who are displaced by natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes, forced to move, and their living environment is deteriorated or damaged and can not be forced to survive on the ground Relocated people. In addition, due to some large-scale construction projects, such as the Three Gorges reservoir area immigrants. 3. Environmental population capacity and population management capacity