文殊兰是十分秀雅的球根花卉,笔者栽培文殊兰多年,有些点滴的经验和教训: 1、有的文殊兰为啥开花少文殊兰忌用黏重土栽培,否则就会生长不好,当然也不会开花。最好用园土5份、腐叶土3份、沙土2份混合消毒后作盆土。这是其一。其二,光照不足或过强也会影响生长和开花。夏季切忌烈日曝晒,放在荫棚或北阳台上比较好,注意降温增湿,常向地面喷水,创造湿润凉爽的小环境。如果管理得好,一年可开3次花。
Manjusri is very elegant bulbous flowers, the author cultivated Manjuslan for many years, some bit of experience and lessons: 1, some of the so-called flowering Manjusri less Wenzhai avoid using sticky soil cultivation, otherwise it will grow poorly, of course Will not blossom. It is best to use 5 parts of garden soil, 3 parts of leaf mold soil and 2 parts of sand soil for disinfection. This is one of them. Second, inadequate or excessive light can affect growth and flowering. Summer should not be exposed to the sun, on the shade shed or balcony on the North is better, pay attention to cooling and humidification, often to the ground water, creating a humid cool environment. If managed well, spend three times a year.