蔬菜育苗主要有常规育苗、无土育苗、电热育苗和嫁接育苗4种方法。 1.常规育苗常规育苗是最普遍的一种育苗方法,它是用经过人工配制成的营养土来培育蔬菜秧苗的。一般春季进行早熟栽培的蔬菜秧苗,根据定植的早晚,分别需要采用温室、温床和冷床等保护地设施育苗;晚期育苗或秋
Vegetable nursery has the main conventional nursery, soilless nursery, electric nursery and grafting nursery 4 ways. 1. Conventional Nursery Conventional nursery is the most common type of nursery, where nursery vegetables are grown using artificially formulated nutritious soil. General early spring planting vegetables seedlings, according to the planting sooner or later, respectively, need to use greenhouses, hotbed and cold bed facilities such as conservation nursery facilities; late nursery or autumn