翻阅往年档案,发现我县财政局一份1953年的节约计划.时隔33年,今日读来,从中还能得到不少教益.下面把这份节约计划的统计表如实地抄录如下: 品名每月节约单价金额火柴 5盒 0.02 0.10 煤油 2斤0.375 0.75 复写纸 10张 0.06 0.60 墨水 2瓶 0.30 0.60 办公纸 64张 0.05 3.20 笔尖 30只 0.20 6.00 合计 11.25 看了这份节约计划,有的人可能会说:“鸡毛蒜皮,小题大作.”“五十年代的老套套,过时了.”
Flipping through the archives of previous years, I found the county Finance Bureau a 1953 saving plan.After a lapse of 33 years, read today, from which you can get a lot of lessons .Take the savings plan statistics below to faithfully copy as follows: Name Month Saving Unit Price Match 5 Pack 0.02 0.10 Kerosene 2 Kg 0.375 0.75 Carbon Paper 10 0.06 0.60 Ink 2 Bottles 0.30 0.60 Office Paper 64 0.05 3.20 Nib 30 0.20 6.00 Total 11.25 Someone might say this saving plan : “Trivial, trivial. ” “The old set of fifties, out of date. ”