制度建设作为从严治党、依法治国的一项基本建设,近年来在基层得到了长足进展,为基层全面发展发挥着重要的作用。但勿庸讳言,现实生活中有制不遵、遵制不严、违制不究现象也相当普遍。这里一个重要原因,是许多制度本身制订不规范,质量不高。笔者在调查思想基础上,就制度的制定提几点建议,供领导同志们参考。 一、注重切合实际,具体、明确,提高制度
As a capital construction that strictly rules the party and rules the country by law, institution building has made great strides in grassroots units in recent years and plays an important role in the overall development of grassroots units. However, it goes without saying that it is quite common that non-compliance with the system in real life, lax compliance and non-compliance with laws and regulations. An important reason here is that many of the systems themselves are not standardized and of low quality. Based on the investigation thought, the author makes several suggestions on the formulation of the system for reference by the leading comrades. First, pay attention to practical, specific, clear, improve the system