
来源 :福建教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chinadyh
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【设计思路】组织幼儿开展写生活动,教师至少需要思考以下两个问题:选择什么样的内容引导幼儿写生?该怎样引导幼儿有目的地观察与写生?根据日常的观察,我发现本班幼儿的绘画现状是:对花盆比较熟悉,曾画过相关的装饰画;大部分幼儿擅长画圆形的东西,如气球、泡泡、花等;幼儿模仿能力强,有的幼儿绘画喜欢模仿同伴的作品。根据本班幼儿已有经验和绘画水平,我选择了仙人球供幼儿写生,主要是基于以下 [Design ideas] Organizing young children to carry out sketching activities, teachers at least need to think about the following two questions: What kind of content to guide children’s sketching? How to guide children with purposeful observation and sketching? According to daily observation, I found this class of young children’s Most of the children are good at painting round things such as balloons, bubbles, flowers, etc. Children’s imitation ability is strong. Some children’s paintings like to imitate their companions works. According to the class has experience and painting level, I chose the prickly pear for sketching, mainly based on the following