番木瓜(Carica papaya L.)受环斑病毒(Papaya ringspot virus,PRV)侵染,在我国华南地区已流行成灾,严重威胁着番木瓜的生产。从而使一种多年生常绿果树只能当年种植。有的不到收获期就得砍除,不能发挥其高产和终年供应市场的优势,直接阻碍着木瓜蛋白酶的商品化生产和广泛应用。
Papaya (Carica papaya L.) is infected by the papaya ringspot virus (PRV) and has become a catastrophe in South China. This is a serious threat to the production of papaya. So that a perennial evergreen tree can only be planted then. Some will have to cut off the harvest period, can not play its advantages of high yield and year-round supply market, a direct impediment to the commercial production of papain and a wide range of applications.