
来源 :浙江旅游职业学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cole6
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高职类酒店管理专业学生本行业就业率低一直是困扰院校和酒店行业的一大难题。酒店实习生作为酒店人员组成中的一个特殊部分,其工作满意度的高低对实习酒店和酒店行业来讲都有重要影响。本文通过对浙江旅游职业学院部分实习生的调查,发现工作内容、薪酬待遇、职业发展以及价值实现等的满意度比较低,而工作内容、职业发展和价值实现是影响其择业态度的主要因素。就此,最后本文尝试从学生个人、院校和实习酒店三方角度提出对策建议。 Higher vocational hotel management students in this industry has always been a low employment rate of institutions and hotel industry troubles a major problem. Hotel interns, as a special part of the hotel staff, the level of job satisfaction has an important impact on the hotel and hotel industry in terms of internship. Based on the survey of some interns in Zhejiang Tourism College, this paper finds that the content of job, remuneration, career development and the realization of value are less satisfactory. The content of job, career development and realization of value are the main factors influencing their career choices. In the end, this article attempts to put forward countermeasures and suggestions from the perspective of students, institutions and internship hotels.
目前朋友和我聊天时说到美国奥运会,我说美国没举办过奥运会。朋友瞪大眼睛,被我的无知惊呆了,说你连美国举办过奥运会都不知道,洛杉矶奥运会和亚特兰大奥运会,这么有名的奥运会难道你也没听说过?你对体育也太不关心了吧。  我说,这两个奥运会我当然知道,我只知道这两个奥运会都是所在城市举办的,和美国国家无关。中国举办北京奥运是倾国家之力来办,导致我们误以为洛杉矶奥运和亚特兰大奥运也是美国在办,其实西方国家举