Study and Application of Fuel-breaks in Southwest China

来源 :Chinese Forestry Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jmshello
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All of the plants can be combusted. The mechanism of forest belts resistance is that the tree specieswerent liable to be burned compared with other plant species. In this paper new concepts on fire resistanttrees and fuel-breaks trees were presented. The fire resistance mechanism includes 3 aspects, fire-resistanttree species, rational construction forest belts and environment. Tree crowns can resist fire forwarding.Forest belts can form the environment, which is not easy to fire, and also make fuels distributed discontinuous.The network of forest belts has large area of conifer forest segregated. The ideal fire resistant tree species hadbetter to embrace some characteristics, such as high fire resistance, rational planting and biological characteristics. The mechanism of forest belts resistance is that the tree specieswerent liable to be burned compared with other plant species. In this paper new concepts on fire resistanttrees and fuel-breaks trees were presented. The fire resistance mechanism includes 3 aspects, fire-resistanttree species, rational construction forest belts and environment. Tree crowns can resist fire forwarding. Forest belt can form the environment, which is not easy to fire, and also make fuels distributed discontinuous. Network of forest belts has large area of ​​conifer forest segregated. The ideal fire resistant tree species hadbetter to embrace some characteristics, such as high fire resistance, rational planting and biological characteristics.
进入二十一世纪,人类发展面临一系列的挑战,如贫穷、全球变暖、环境恶化、资源过度消耗等问题,越来越具有综合性和全球性,已经引起了国际社会的普遍关注,人们开始更加重视人与自然的和谐相处。  随着人类的思维方式、行为方式和社会结构的更新,人们越来越注重生活的质量和生存的环境,逐渐开始理性、科学的消费,开始保护生物的多样性和完整性,对有限的资源也开始进行可替代性和可循环性的研究,人类便在不断的发现、研究、
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欧洲最大的五星级绿茵殿堂诺坎普,已经傲立了50个春秋,半个世纪以来,在这座雄伟壮观的球场里上演过无数波澜壮阔的经典史诗。让我们从诺坎普50年的记忆长河中筛选出七段华彩篇章,回味诺坎普承载的光荣历史!    71982年6月13日比利时1∶0阿根廷    1982年6月13日,第12届世界杯的开幕式及揭幕战在诺坎普举行,中国球迷第一次从电视转播中看到世界杯开幕式。  揭幕战由卫冕冠军阿根廷对阵欧洲红
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每年的圣诞节、春节,我都会给一些国家的足协,俱乐部去信,顺便寄张贺卡,祝他们在新的一年里取得好成绩,今年也不例外,至今已收到了德国足协、西班牙足协、智利足协、厄瓜多尔足协、AC米兰、巴塞罗那、皇马等球队的回信六十多封。  德国足协:去年世界杯的时候,我收到过德国足协的回信,里面有七八位球员的签名卡片,这次他们又给我寄来了剩下一些球员的签名卡片,有拉姆、博洛夫斯基、弗雷德里希、梅策尔德;还寄来了钥匙