目前,生姜种植上的主要病害为姜瘟病。其危害严重,一般减产10%~30%,严重时可绝产。作者认为:对于姜瘟病的防治应该以农业栽培为主,辅以生物防治的系统防治方法。1 农业栽培和姜瘟病防治农业栽培技术得当可以从根本上降低姜瘟病的发病率。作者强调“生姜、环境、病原菌?
At present, the main disease on ginger planting is the blast. Its serious harm, the general cut 10% to 30%, in serious cases can be aborted. The author believes that the prevention and treatment of the blast should be dominated by agricultural cultivation, supplemented by biological control system prevention and treatment methods. 1 agricultural cultivation and prevention and control of blast disease Agricultural cultivation techniques can fundamentally reduce the incidence of blast. The author emphasizes "ginger, environment, pathogen?