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12月13日,记者从武威市召开的全省防沙治沙工作推进会上了解到:省林业厅厅长马光明就甘肃省第五次荒漠化和沙化监测及全省“十二五”防沙治沙目标责任综合考核结果作了以下通报:一、甘肃省第五次荒漠化和沙化监测结果根据《中华人民共和国防沙治沙法》规定和国家林业局要求,2014年3月~2015年10月,我们完成了全省第五次荒漠化和沙化监测工作。(一)荒漠化土地。本次全省荒漠化监测范围包括 On December 13, the reporter learned from the promotion meeting of desertification control work in Wuwei City that Ma Guangming, director of the provincial forestry department, monitored the fifth desertification and desertification monitoring in Gansu Province and the provincial “Twelve-Five The results of the comprehensive assessment of the targets for prevention and control of desertification made the following notification: I. Results of the Fifth Desertification and Desertification Monitoring in Gansu Province According to the requirements of the ”Law of the People’s Republic of China on Desertification Control and Desertification" and the requirements of the State Forestry Administration, from March 2014 to March 2014, In October 2015, we completed the fifth desertification and desertification monitoring in the province. (A) desertified land. The province’s desertification monitoring range includes
班会目的:通过组织学生动脑动手设计文明言行的警示标志、拍摄DV短片,加深对“文明”内涵的理解,警醒学生做一个文明守纪的人;征选一个最佳设计,作为班级文明的标志;培养学生的团队协作精神,增强班级荣誉感和凝聚力。  班会准备:八个小组分别设计制作一个文明言行的警示标志,配上创意解说词,推荐一名学生解说;拍摄以“文明”为主题的DV短片,并剪辑制作;组建评委组,拟定评比细则和奖项;组建服务组,负责会场的布